Thursday, May 10, 2012

Supporting Ideas That Support The Economy

NGO's also aim to support ideas that support the economy. This means that if a local has an idea for a business that will in one way or another benefit the economy but he does not have the financing for it, an NGO may provide financial support.

Example: In Ghana, fish is a very common food. However, there are very few places to get fish from, so the market price for fish can change a lot based on how much the seller wants to charge. In Asikuma, there is a very large fish farm called "The West African Fish Market" and it is run by a group of Norwegian men. There are no other fish farms near Asikuma, so the locals are forced to pay whatever the Norwegians feel like charging them, and often it is a very unreasonable price. (The West African Fish Market has an average annual net sales of $4 million.) So when a local entrepreneur came up with the idea to open his own fish farm and sell at a lower price than The West African Fish Market, Isaiah 1:17 bought into the idea and provided financial support for this idea.

When NGO's support thinkers like New Life (the man who came up with the fish farm idea), they help the economy by helping to keep prices low for the locals as well as create jobs to help with the operation of running the fish farm.

Below are pictures of The West African Fish Market.

"Fish Farming Advised For Unemployed Graduates." The Fish Site. Web. 10 May 2012. <>.

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