"Government is a poor vehicle to address pressing social ills."
- Peter Drucker
So how does all of this impact you or me? Why should we care and how does the US connect with this at all? We already pay taxes that go to the government and a portion of these taxes are supposed to go to foreign aid. However, replacing governement incompetence with real charity could be the key to success. When an idividual donates their money to an NGO, they expect it to be used for what the NGO says it will be. This forces NGO's to use ethical business procedures because there would be law suits against them for false advertising or lying to the public. However, the government can raise money for a specific cause and then use the money in a completely different way without reprecution because there is nothing stopping them from doing that. Our economy is impacted by this because the real problems are not being dealt with in foreign countries except by NGOs. If Americans can help NGOs as much as they can, the government can stop taxing Americans so much under the disguise that they are using the money for charity.

Related Link:
Replace Government Incompetence with Real Charity. Web. 10 May 2012. <http://www.politickernj.com/murraysabrin/44655/replace-government-incompetence-real-charity>.
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