Thursday, May 10, 2012

During Construction of The Library - Pride in the Project

During construction of the library a shift in the atmosphere in Asikuma was very evident. People went from their everyday lives of just trying to survive the day to being excited to accomplish something for their community. The enthusiasm for building a new library could be seen everywhere you looked: from the church services in town to the children running from hut to hut with uncontainable emotion. The new library not only meant a finished product that would be beneficial to the entire community, but also meant the locals would have something to do rather than sit around and wonder what tomorrow held for them. People within the village community were given jobs to aid with the construction. The local brick maker made his entire annual salary three times in less than a week. Some people were hired by the NGO in order to help with the construction of the library, while others were used to help carry things from the brick maker's shop to the site of construction. The way the entire community was involved in one way or another in making the construction of the library possible created a sense of pride in the project.

Related Link:

"Create Jobs in Africa, and All Else Will Follow." Ghana HomePage, Resource for News, Sports, Facts, Opinions, Business and Entertainment. Ghana Web. Web. 10 May 2012. <>.

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