Thursday, May 10, 2012

Medical Clinic - Before and After

Another project that impacted Asikuma was the construction of a medical clinic within their village. The main focus when planning to build the medical clinic was to provide basic health serviced that most locals did not have access to and save lives. In Asikuma, women gave birth to their children on the dirt floors of their huts before the medical clinic. With all of the problems that the unsanitary dirt floor provided, women were at a very high risk of dying during childbirth. (Below: Maternal Mortality around the world.) Now that the medical clinic has been built, women have a sanitarty place to give birth where nurses are present in order to assist the new mothers. Children and adults can also go to this medical clinic for immunizations to help them stay safe from diseases like tyfoid fever and malaria.

The new medical clinic affects the economy by creating jobs for higher level education within the community. This means that students now have an even bigger incentive to become educated. The nurses and doctors that operate the medical clinic are very kind about teaching the children the ways of medicine. The hope is that the children of Asikuma will become more educated so that that they not only can help understand the medical world, but help alleviate the pressures of poverty by understanding how the economy works and how they can create a better way of life for their community.

Related Link:

" Statistics by Area - Maternal Mortality - Overview." Statistics by Area - Maternal Mortality - Overview. Web. 10 May 2012. <>.

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